Parents Club Officers

The Lambda Chi Parents Club is designed to provide tangible resources and monetary support to the chapter and house. We seek to support our sons by creating memorable experiences and enhancing their time while on campus. The Parents Club is also a wonderful way to meet other parents and form new friendships.

The Parents Club encourages involvement from a host of cities and states. Much of our communication can be conducted remotely so you do not have to be local to serve. Historically, the following positions have been filled by a variety of parents in these roles.

President or Co-Presidents
Responsibilities include leading the Parents Club meetings (maybe 3 times per year in Norman) or conference calls. The job requires that you oversee the other officers of the Parents Club and help make sure they have all they need to accomplish their jobs. In addition, you make sure that communications are sent to all the families of the chapter in reference to all Lambda activities.

Responsibilities include attending to the Parents Club meetings (maybe 3 per year in Norman) or conference calls, to take notes of what is discussed in our meetings. The Secretary needs to write up and distribute notes from meetings or calls.  The Secretary distributes meeting minutes and financials prior to the next meeting.

Responsibilities include managing the Parents Club income and expenses (excluding chapter house finances or bills), preparing a financial report twice per year for Parents Club meetings, keeping a running account ledger, writing checks for approved Parents Club expenses, depositing checks at the McClain Bank of Norman. The Treasurer also manages the Parents Club Square online store and operates the Square point-of-sale payment system at Parent Club functions.

Fundraising Chair
Responsibilities include assisting the President with getting 100% participation in the Parents Club.  In addition, the Fundraising Chair coordinates any fundraising events at Mom’s Day and Dad’s Day events.

House Mom’s Tea or Social
Responsibilities include coordinating with Connie McQuay, the chapter House Mom, when she’d like to host a tea or social event. This person will also coordinate with the Parents Club President on sending an email invitation to all parents with details including dates, times, etc.

Dad’s Day / Fall Family Weekend (Fall Semester)
Responsibilities include helping plan the festivities of Dad’s Day Weekend. This is a great office for a group of friends to handle. We have lots of information to share regarding ideas for this weekend.

Mom’s Day / Spring Family Weekend (Spring Semester)
Responsibilities include helping plan the festivities of Mom’s Day Weekend. This is a great office for a group of friends to handle. We have lots of information to share regarding ideas for this weekend.

Website Liaison
This is a great job for someone who is lives outside of Norman, as the Website Liaison coordinate with our website manager regarding any changes we might need. You do not need to be technical at all; you only need to be able to email someone with the preferred changes.

Tribute Brick Sales
This person should be someone in the OKC metro area to coordinate with Acme Brick. This order process is all handled on by the chapter’s alumni association, so this person just needs to help coordinate the orders brick and installation, in conjunction with the chapter’s alumni association.

Christmas Decorating
This person plans a time with Connie McQuay, the chapter’s House Mom, to decorate the inside and/or outside the chapter house during the holiday season. This person also coordinates with the Parents Club President to communicate to all parents the details of the chapter house decorating so that parents can come join this very fun tradition at the house.

Finals Feasts
This person helps lead a team of Parents Club volunteers to serve late dinners to the boys for the four nights of Finals Week.  This person does not have to be present at the house for all four nights, but does coordinate the meals with a “lead” for each night.

Christmas Gifts
This is another great job for someone who lives outside the Norman area. This person purchases gifts for Connie McQuay (chapter House Mom) and Tyler Barrett (Chapter Advisor) on behalf of the Parents Club.

Graduation Gifts
This person assists Connie McQuay, the chapter’s House Mom, with some kind of little gift for the graduates and anything else Connie may need help with on coordinating the graduation dinner.

House Planning
This person coordinates with Connie McQuay, the chapter’s House Mom, on what items may be needed at the house. This person also coordinates with any purchasers/installers, if needed. Historically, the Parents Club has utilized some of the Parents Club funds to donate upgrades to the chapter house facility.